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Andrew Robinson Says that Deep Space Nine Fans Like the Show’s Ambiguity

Since the theatrical release of the Deep Space Nine documentary What We Left Behind earlier this month, the Star Trek press has paid special attention to the stars of Deep Space Nine, and their memories of their time on the show.

RedshirtsAlwaysDie.com brings news of an interview between Star Trek Magazine and Andrew Robinson, Garak on Deep Space Nine. One focus of the interview was on the character of Garak, and how playing him was playing a lot of subtext. Robinson said: “[M]uch of the truth of Garak was like a glacier: you saw only the tip of the glacier, but then, underneath the tip, was the very complicated truth of his life. [...] Presenting that subtext behind a mask of affability, of friendliness, of congeniality, I think that was both the challenge and the pleasure of the character.”

The interview also touched on Deep Space Nine’s legacy, and how Robinson saw it as set apart from the other series. He said, “I think the biggest difference between DS9 and the other Star Trek series is that Deep Space Nine was more nuanced, and had more ambiguity. Rather than being black and white, there are more grays. [...] I think that people who really liked Deep Space Nine are people who like ambiguity, and like when the characters are not either good or evil.”

Star Trek Magazine is available from Titan Magazines in either print or digital versions, and you can find out more from titanmagazines.com.