Hop aboard the Protostar for CAMP Brooklyn's Star Trek: Prodigy Experience

Hop aboard the Protostar for CAMP Brooklyn's Star Trek: Prodigy Experience
STAR TREK: PRODIGY EXPERIENCE at CAMP Brooklyn runs through August 31, 2022

STAR TREK: PRODIGY EXPERIENCE at CAMP Brooklyn runs through August 31, 2022

AUGUST 7, 2022 - The dog days of summer are starting to dwindle. Families are already at Staples shopping for their back-to-school supplies, the final burgers of the summer are being grilled, and people are visiting beaches, well aware that that autumn is around the corner.

But it’s not here yet, and there’s still time to experience CAMP. We’re not talking pup tents and camp fires, but starships and planets. For the rest of August, CAMP Brooklyn is hosting the Star Trek: Prodigy Experience, and if you live in the New York area and want to be a part of your own Star Trek narrative, this is the place to go.

CAMP has several locations around the United States, each featurinmg different family-friendly experiences, from Disney’s Mickey and Friends to The Paw Patrol Experience to Art CAMP. The one in Brooklyn, New York, though, will hold the most appeal to the budding Trekkie in your life. TrekMovie wrote a review of the experience and it sounds like a blast!

Once you and your teammates select a name for yourselves, you’ll be given a wrist tricorder, which will track your progress through your adventure. You’ll find yourself onthe planet of Nibiru, last seen in Star Trek Into Darkness, navigatinga trecherous “lava” obstacle. Assuming you survive the challenge, you’ll next land on a desert planet, with the object of controlling a robot, assembling magnetic bricks, and collecting virtual coins.

Passing each challenge will get you points on your tricorder and, after freezing your antennae off on Andoria and saving the Earth from asteroids, you’ll have the chance to test your knowledge with a round of trivia, for prizes. TrekMovie’s Michael A. Nguyen seems to have enjoyed the experience. Hop on over to read his review at TrekMovie. But if you want to join in the fun, you’d better hurry. The Star Trek: Prodigy Experience closes on August 31!

T is the Managing Editor for Daily Star Trek News and a contributing writer for Sherlock Holmes Magazine and a Shakespeare nerd. He may have been the last professional Stage Manager to work with Leonard Nimoy, has worked Off-Broadway and regionally, and is the union Stage Manager for Legacy Theatre, where he is currently working with Julie Andrews. after which he’ll be working on Richard III at Elm Shakespeare Company.