NewsT. Rick JonesBooks

New Deep Space Nine Illustrated Handbook from Hero Collector takes you inside Star Trek’s famous station

NewsT. Rick JonesBooks
New Deep Space Nine Illustrated Handbook from Hero Collector takes you inside Star Trek’s famous station
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Illustrated Handbook from Hero Collector. Images Hero Collector

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Illustrated Handbook from Hero Collector. Images Hero Collector

FEBRUARY 16, 2021 - Star Trek: Deep Space Nine fans: there’s a new book out this week telling you everything you could possibly want to know about your favorite former Cardassian space station. The Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Illustrated Handbook was released from Hero Collector last week, by editors Simon Hugo and Ben Robinson. And it takes you deep inside Deep Space Nine to find out exactly what makes the station tick.

According to the book, “The chapters feature the station, the warship the U.S.S. Defiant, and the small, multi-purpose runabouts used as transport by the crew. With technical information from official sources, annotated exterior view and isometric illustrations of key locations, this handbook provides an extraordinary reference guide to 24th century Federation life on the diplomatic outpost.”

Like all Hero Collector books, this one looks beautifully illustrated, with full-color pictures and diagrams. Series editor Robinson is known for his intricately-researched work sourced from official sources (it’s Robinson who oversees the designs of Eaglemoss’s tiny starships), so this handbook is sure to become the definitive view of everything Deep Space Nine.

The Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Illustrated Handbook is the fourth in a series of illustrated handbooks by Hero Collector. It follows on from versions for the Original Series Enterprise (and Enterprise-A); Star Trek: The Next Generation’s Enterprise-D; and Voyager’s, well, Voyager. You can get all four from or other booksellers.