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Star Trek and Shield Pals introduce officially-licensed face shields

Official Star Trek face shields from Star Trek and Shield Pals

DECEMBER 23, 2020 - Vaccines against the novel coronavirus are finally a reality, but it is still crucial for each of us to continue to do our part to prevent the spread of COVID-19. To make it a little easier for Trek fans, ViacomCBS has joined forces with PPE manufacturer Shield Pals to create the officially licensed Star Trek face shield, giving you the chance to “reroute additional power to the forward shields” as we all “boldly go” into 2021 (puns most definitely intended).

A report from TrekMovie.com has Shield Pals co-founder Chris McCormack saying, “As longtime fans of the show, we couldn’t be more thrilled to bring Star Trek to our modular line of protective face shields.”

The face shield is available in two styles, one with a logo reading “Property of U.S.S. Discovery”, and the other with a Starfleet Academy Medical logo. Each printed face shield features a “red alert” symbol, letting everyone see that you are not only serious about being safe, but serious about Star Trek, as well.

Made from impact-resistant polycarbonate and thermoplastic materials, each face shield comes with a halo, outfitted with a rubber “comfort strip”. The face shield and halo can be easily separated, making cleaning and sanitizing your PPE a simple process.

The reality is that getting a COVID-19 vaccination could take weeks or months, depending on availability. The Centers for Disease Control strongly recommends continuing to follow safety practices such as social distancing, proper hand washing, and wearing a facial covering in public places. The official Star Trek face shields are a great way to show your fandom while adding an extra layer of protection for you or your loved ones. Each face shield is $24.95 and are available to purchase at shop.startrek.com.