CBS Holds Top Ratings Spot for 11th Straight Year

CBS continues to dominate primetime broadcast television.

Deadline rounded up the top contenders last week, and CBS came out solidly on top - for the 11th year in a row. Quoting the piece: “CBS claims 13 of the Top 30 most watched broadcast series, topping all competitors. That includes 11 of the top 20 broadcast dramas – more than the other networks combined (including all three NCIS shows, with the mothership returning to the top as the season’s most watched drama.)”

The season’s total viewing figures (which come from Nielsen) cover September 2018 to May 2019 and are as follows:

  • CBS holds the top spot with 8.9 million, down 1.1% on last year

  • NBC holds second place with 7.2 million, down a far more significant 19.1%

  • ABC also holds its third-place spot with 5.6 million, down 8.2% year on year, and

  • Rounding out the big four, Fox comes in last place with 5.4 million, the only one of the top four to report a year on year increase, of more than 10%.

It’s worth noting that The Big Bang Theory, CBS’s top show, and the second most-watched show overall, has just finished its run this month, which could have a notable effect on next year’s rankings.