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Sonequa Martin-Green Reveals New Details About Star Trek: Discovery Season 3 at San Diego Comic Con

Sonequa Martin-Green and David Ajala at San Diego Comic Con 2019

In all the excitement about the new Star Trek: Picard series, CBS did not forget that we’re awaiting Discovery season 3. When we left the crew of the Discovery at the end of season 2, they were boldly going through a wormhole, into the far future.

In Star Trek’s big Hall H panel on Saturday, Alex Kurtzman gave an introduction into what we can expect from season 3. He didn’t say much about specific plot points, but made an effort to reassure fans that while they were going farther into the future than Trek has ever been, it will still be fundamentally Star Trek. He said, “every conversation about how we create star trek is filtered through Roddenberry essential vision of optimism, which can never really change because it is the spirit and the soul of trek for all of us.” He did add however, that there will be lots of “huge changes” next season. He said, “There will be things you recognize, there will be things you don't recognize. Part of the fun of it is that we get to honor canon, but shake it up hugely. We're not erasing anything, so please don't worry about that. It's all still what it was. But we do get to shake it up quite a bit. And I think the fun of how we get to a place of preserving that essential optimism is by testing it.”

In the panel, we also got to meet the newest member of the Discovery cast, David Ajala, an actor whose previous credits include The Dark Knight, Jupiter Ascending, and most recently, Supergirl. Ajala revealed that his character is called Book, and is a bit of a “rulebreaker”. He said, “it's interesting what Alex [Kurtzman] was saying in terms of sticking to the canon, but then also freshening things up a little, and Book is going to be a character that's gonna break the rules just a little bit. It's always fun to be able to break the rules. And we do that right from the start of the season.”

Sonequa Martin-Green then revealed a picture of herself and Ajala on set, and a little bit about the plot for season 3. She said, “As you can see we are not in Terralysium [...] We do not land there like we planned. [...] I feel like this venture into the future is so powerful because we, as a company and also as a, as a crew on discovery, we became a family at the end of season two and now we're forging this path that has never been forged before, boldly. [...] But yeah, it's the future. The future, future.”