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Star Trek Online and Neverwinter join forces to offer bundles and raise money for charity

Heroic Risian caracal at Starfleet Academy in Star Trek Online

Star Trek Online has just launched a new campaign, where you can purchase exclusive in-game goodies and help those in need at the same time. In a blog post yesterday, Perfect World Entertainment announced that Star Trek Online is teaming up with its sister game, Neverwinter, to offer prize packs through the charity bundle website Groupees, and proceeds from the bundles will go to benefit two organizations doing good in the community.

The two charities that the games chose to contribute to are Pop Culture Hero Coalition and the Bay Area chapter of the United Way. Pop Culture Hero Coalition was founded by Star Trek: Deep Space Nine’s Chase Masterson and uses pop culture to help educate children and combat bullying and other forms of intolerance. And the United Way Bay Area seeks to end poverty in eight Bay Area counties by building financial capability among their residents. They say, “We create poverty-fighting programs that scale and drive impact. We are also a catalyst that inspires people to invest in each other to strengthen and transform our communities.”

The bundles available through Groupees consist of codes for digital items in Neverwinter and Star Trek Online, for players on PC, Xbox One or Playstation 4. For Star Trek Online, you can choose between the $2 bundle, and a $10 bundle; in the $2 bundle you get a heroic Risian caracal pet, a heroic tribble, and the use of the title “Heroic”...and the $10 bundle contains all that PLUS two Tier 6 Intel Science Vessels, one for each faction, and a fleet module. Of course, if you so desire, you can also make a donation at any level; proceeds from either bundle (or donations) are split evenly between the two charities.

Star Trek Online’s Lead Designer, Al “Captain Geko” Rivera, tweeted about the fundraising effort, saying, “This is a big deal, and near and dear to my heart. @SuperheroIRL helps kids who have been affected by bullying and trauma. Lead by our friend @ChaseMasterson this charity really changes lives. This year we are joined by @Neverwinter to raise money for PCHC and the @unitedway.”

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You can find out more about the promotion from startrekonline.com, or head straight to groupees.com/playforacause. The promotion runs for two weeks.