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More Star Trek Cats to Collect!

So listen...have you heard the old adage about buses? That you wait for one for ages, and then two turn up at the same time? Well, today, I want you to picture that...but with cats dressed as Star Trek characters, instead of buses.

Remember last week, when I brought you news of a collection of Star Trek Cats available from the Bradford Exchange? Well, SyfyWire brought us a story over the weekend about a new line of Star Trek Cats available from Chronicle Collectibles and artist Jenny Parks. Parks is the artist behind the book Star Trek Cats, and its sequel, Star Trek: The Next Generation Cats. Her art is also featured on calendars, enamel pins and t-shirts, and she’s a frequent vendor at Star Trek Conventions.

The Star Trek Cats Collection from Chronicle Collectibles features your favorite Star Trek characters reimagined as cats, with props to match. For instance, SyFyWire describes Spock Cat thusly: “With signature pointy ears, Spock Cat is highly logical and most likely will not react to your pitiful human attempts at internet humor. He sits proudly at 6 inches tall while flashing his trademark Vulcan salute and carrying his trusty tricorder. ...he comes comfortably resting on a slick transporter base adorned with the classic Star Trek logo.”

The Star Trek Cats Collection is available for pre-order from Chronicle Collectibles for $39.99 each and expected to ship later this year.